Ep28: Pickleball and the Art of Living! Prem welcomes Mike Branon, author of the book Pickleball and the Art of Living! More information about Mike and his book can be found at https://www.mikebranon.com/ PLUS: Come out to a bootcamp and Bootcamp Express: http://thepickleballguru.com/bootcamp/ Or a clinic! http://thepickleballguru.com/clinic/ And check out my Gear Page: https://pickleballhelp.com/gear
Smart Pickleball: The 5 Rules for Playing Smarter! I see sooo many players of all ages, who are working much harder than they NEED to be on the court, and aren’t getting nearly as good results as they COULD be. The key to getting great results in pickleball is not to get younger, stronger, faster […]
Dance With Your Pickleball Partner When I ask participants about their favorite part of my 3-day Bootcamp Breakthrough Experience is, the answer is invariably: “Dancing with Your Partner!” In this post, I wanted to explain what exactly I mean when I say “Dancing with Your Partner” (‘cuz I can promise you we are NOT doing […]
Pickleball Spin: The Basics I pickleballed my way from Florida to California last month in “The Pickleball Guru Van” (as my daughter has called it since she was two). Along the way there were several questions about how to deal with spin. Since my dance moves are limited, I’ll stick with pickleball spin. 🙂 When […]
Pickleball Can Be Really That Simple (and Smart!) Some refer to playing Smart Pickleball™ as the difference between checkers and chess! You can go out and whack at the ball and hope for the best… …OR… …you can play strategically. There are lots of strategies that you can apply (and I’m sure that you’ve heard […]
Let’s Play Pretend! Pretend that we’re playing pickleball? Certainly not! Pretend that I’m an awesome pickleball player? We’ve all had one, or many, of those days on the courts! You know what I’m talking about – your drop isn’t dropping, your dinks aren’t anywhere as good as you would like them to be, and the […]