How to Teach to a Mixed Group: A FREE Training for People Who Teach Pickleball
I received nearly 50 thoughtful responses to last month’s ambassador survey. Many thanks to everyone who responded or shared the survey.
One of the most common answers I received was in regard to challenges ambassadors face trying to teach pickleball to players of multiple skill levels.
As someone who has taught dozens of clinics and lessons to 1000s of students of multiple skill levels, I knew this was one challenge I could personally offer some insight on.
That’s why I’ve created a FREE training call for Official & Unofficial Pickleball Ambassodors called “3 Secrets to Teaching Pickleball to Multiple Skill Levels”
(I’ve still got some ideas in the works for the challenges ambassadors face that are outside my realm of expertise, but that’s for a different day…)
Introducing a FREE Training Call:
“3 Secrets to Teaching
Pickleball to Multiple Skill Levels“
On this call, hosted by my wife & I, you’ll learn:
(Yep, you guessed it…) My Top 3 Secrets for Teaching Pickleball to Multiple Skill Levels (Hint: #3 is the one that can help make sure your most advanced player is as happy as your newbie…)
The #1 Mistake Most People Make When They Try Teaching to Multiple Levels
Plus, You’ll Also Find Out About a Special Opportunity to Get Individualized, In-Person Mentoring From Me on Becoming a Better Coach at no cost (Yep, for FREE!)
Is it a secret society you believe everyone should join… Yes
Does it affect your personal relationships everyday… Yes
The date, time, and dial-in details for the call will be provided after registration. To register, just click here or to go:
(For Official & Un-Official Pickleball Ambassadors)
If you’re “just” a player and not interested in this material for yourself, please take a quick minute to forward this information on to someone in your pickleball group who could benefit from it.