Embrace the Jitters – How to Make Jitters your Best Friend Dealing with jitters or pre-match nerves is a common challenge in any sport, including pickleball. Like many things in life, it is often best to embrace obstacles or circumstances that stand before us. Wishing something away or trying to ignore it usually does not […]
Pickleball Strategy – Cover the Line or the Middle? Want to improve your pickleball strategy? How many times have you had your opponents hit a great shot down the middle, where you and your partner just watch it go by? And how many times have your opponents hit a great passing shot down the line, […]
Pickleball Poaching: What to Do When Your Partner’s Getting ALL The Balls Pickleball Poaching: If you’ve been playing pickleball for any length of time and you play against people who are determined to win, you’ve probably been in the situation where the only time you get to hit the ball is on the serve or […]
4 Secrets to Get Your Dropshot to Go Where You Want (and Not Where You Don’t) Last month I had someone write in asking for advice on how to better calibrate their drop shot. Unless you’re a nationally ranked player, (and even then!) I’m sure you can relate to having days (or… ahem… entire pickleball […]
How to Play the Conditions: Indoors Much like my tips on transitioning from indoor to outdoor, here are some things to think about when playing indoors. If you have any more to add, post a comment. How to Play the Indoor Environment Shiny floors, florescent lights, various wall colors… Just being able to SEE the […]
How to play pickleball: Determining the direction of the shot Here is a question that people often ask me during my clinics. Question: When receiving a shot from my opponent, should I be watching the ball, the position of their paddle, or the the position of their shoulders? Answer: When learning how to play pickleball, […]
Pickleball Strategy: The Mental and Emotional Aspects of Pickleball Learning tricks to help you conquer the “head-game” of pickleball When I’m on the road, I often get questions about the emotional side of pickleball. Prem, do you have any suggestions for how to get rid of the butterflies when I play in a tournament? “Prem, […]
Mind and Body: How to prepare for a pickleball tournament When you play in a pickleball tournament, how often do you feel that you’re at the top of your game and fully prepared to take-on the competition? I’m not just talking from a pure skill level perspective. But are you also preparing your mind and […]