All Those Special Rules! So there you are having fun on the pickleball courts when something, we’ll say something odd, happens, and the point ends. AND play ended on one of those ‘special case’ rules. And everyone looks to you for the ruling! Ummmmmmm… Most of you have reviewed my easy to follow Yes or […]
An Amazing Pickleball Experience in Beautiful France! Always wanted a pickleball-themed romantic getaway? Traveling to Europe and plan to take your paddle with you? Or you want to combine an international vacation with pickleball? Or never been to France, but know that you can’t stay away from pickleball? Then my Bootcamp Breakthrough Experience in Fayence, […]
Playing Against Your Friendly Neighborhood Bangers! You’ve read my article on strategies to play against slammers, but did you know there’s other strategies that you can use against bangers? And that these strategies are on the first two shots? And you may not even have to use the third shot drop? Intrigued? I thought so! […]
Playing Up & Playing Down – Revisited! A little while ago (actually over five years ago!!), I wrote an article on how to ‘play up’ and ‘play down’ during rec play’ (and there’s even a printable version!). Everyone wants a good competitive game. Personal schedules outside of pickleball are packed, and court time is limited […]